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Welcome from Dr Tony Bewley 

We are working to raise awareness of the psychosocial impact of skin disease and promote multi-disciplinary management between dermatologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. We hope you find the information in this web site interesting and helpful. Please do find out more 免费的梯子加速器 or 免费的梯子加速 for access to additional resouces and to help support our work. 免费的梯子加速

The skin I'm in is a moving account of life with psoriasis based on real stories.

The skin I'm in is an original film made in association with the See Psoriasis: Look Deeper campaign which looks at the wider life impact of psoriasis including emotional well-being and mental health. The film tells real life stories of people living with psoriasis.





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     Psychodermatology UK

          Annual Meeting


               Thursday 23rd January 2024

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 © Psychodermatology UK 2017.  Cetraben, proud supporters of Psychodermatology UK.

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